Document Tittle
An Inverse Dynamics for Human Walking Based on Measured Positions Data of Human Body Segments
Purba,U.M., Mihradi, S., Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I.
2D Observational Optical Motion System for Analysis of Human Gait
Juliyad, N., Mihradi. S., Dirgantara. T., Mahyuddin, A.I.
Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RC-MeAe), 9-10 Feb 2010
Robust Algorithms of Marker Image Processing in Automatic Human gait Analysis
Jaya, A.S., Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I, Mihradi, S.
Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RC-MeAe), 9-10 Feb 2010
Perancangan, Pembuatan, dan Pengujian Load Cell 3-Axis untuk Pengukuran Ground Reaction Force pada Force Platform
Mihradi, S., Mahyuddin, A.I, Dirgantara, T., Suwirya, A.W.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin X, Optimalisasi Peran Teknik Mesin Dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Energi
Gait Parameters Determination by 2D Optical Motion Analyzer System
Mahyuddin, A.I., Mihradi, S., Dirgantara, T., Maulido, P. N.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 83, pp 123-129.
3D Kinematics of Human Walking Based on Segment Orientation
Mihradi, S., Henda, A.I., Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I
Proceedings – International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering 2011, ICICI-BME 2011 6108632, pp. 386-390
Development of an optical motion-capture system for 3D gait analysis
Mihradi, S., Ferryanto, Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I
Proceedings – International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering 2011, ICICI-BME 2011 6108633, pp. 391-394
Development of Indonesian Gait Database using 2D Optical Motion Analyzer System
Mahyuddin, A. I., Mihradi, S., Dirgantara, T., Moeliono, M., & Prabowo, T.
ASEAN Engineering Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 62-72.
Development of Affordable Optical Based Gait Analysis Systems
Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A. I., & Mihradi, S.
ASEAN Engineering Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 12-29.
Camera Calibration Technique Improvement for 3D Optical Gait Analyzer System
Ferryanto, F., Mihradi, S., Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 393, pp. 976-981
Tracking of Markers for 2D and 3D Gait Analysis Using Home Video Cameras
Mihradi, S., Ferryanto, Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A.I.
International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 36-52
Development of 3D gait analyzer software based on marker position data
Mihradi, S., Henda, A. I., Dirgantara, T., & Mahyuddin, A. I.
International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Gait Parameters Determination by 3D Motion Analyzer System for Initial Indonesian Gait Database
Anggraeni, N. D., Ferryanto, S. T., Atmojo, S. M., Dirgantara, T., & Mahyuddin, A. I
Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME-2013).
Investigation of Upper Body Motion of Subject with Spinal Abnormalities During Gait
Sugiharto, A., Anggraeni, N. D., Mihradi, S., Dirgantara, T., & Mahyuddin, A. I.
Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (RCMME-2014).
Validity of Kinect for Assessment of Joint Motion during Gait
Abdurrahman, M.R., Dirgantara, T., Mihradi, S., Mahyuddin, A.I.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 660, pp. 921-926
Life prediction of woven CFRP structure subject to static and fatigue loading, Composite Structures
Wicaksono, S., & Chai, G. B.
Composite Structures, Vol. 119, pp. 185-194.
Design of Above-Knee Prosthesis : a Finite Element Stress Analysis
Mihradi, S., Abdiwijaya, C. Z., Dirgantara, T., & Mahyuddin, A. I
Advanced Materials Research , Vol. 1125, pp. 432-436
Improvement of three-dimensional motion analyzer system for the development of Indonesian gait database
Chandra, D., Anggraeni, N.D., Dirgantara, T., Mihradi, S., Mahyuddin, A.I.
Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 2, pp. 268-274
Design and Fabrication of an Affordable Transfemoral Prostetic Leg
Bachtiar, E. O., Dirgantara, T., Mihradi, S., & Mahyuddin, A. I.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 842, pp. 435-444.
Design of Root Canal Treatment for Dental Post Application on Maxillary Central Incisor
Susanto, S. S., Wicaksono, S., Mahyuddin, A. I., Dirgantara, T., Subrata, G., Mihradi, S., & Budiaman, A. S.
Proceedings – 2015 4th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, ICICI-BME 20157401354, pp. 153-158
3D Reconstruction and Stress Analysis of The Free End Second Premolar Root Form Dental Implant
Wicaksono, S., Ferdian, P. L., Dirgantara, T., Mahyuddin, A. I., Mihradi, S., & Subrata, G
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 842, pp. 445-450.
Finite Element Analysis of Bus Rollover Test in Accordance with UN ECE R66 Standard
Wicaksono, S., Rahman, M. R. F., Mihradi, S., & Prifiharni, S.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 49, Np. 6, pp. 799-810.
Head Injury Analysis of Vehicle Occupant in Frontal Crach Simulation : Study Case of ITB’s Formula SAE Race Car
Mihradi, S., Golfianto, H., Mahyuddin, A. I., & Dirgantara, T.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 534-545.
Development of a markerless optical motion capture system for daily use of training in swimming
Ferryanto, F. and Nakashima, M.
Sports Engineering, 20(1), pp.63-72.
Anatomy of Injury Severity and Fatality in Indonesia Traffic Accidents
Santosa, S.P., Mahyuddin, A.I., Sunoto, F.G.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 49(3), pp. 412-422
Head Injury Analysis of Vehicle Occupant in Frontal Crash Simulation : Case Study of ITB’s Formula SAE Race Car
Mihradi, S., Golfianto, H., Mahyuddin, A.I., Dirgantara, T.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 49(4), pp. 534-545
Development of a 3D Gait Measurement Protocol for Amputees Walking on Treadmill
Mahyuddin, A. I., Ferryanto, F., Herman, I., Mihradi, S., & Dirgantara, T.
Mesin, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 29-39.
Design Modification of an Affordable Prosthetic Knee Based on DFMA and Static Analysis
Ferryanto, F., Muhammad, K.A., Rubiyanto, T., Mihradi, S., Mahyuddin, A.I., Dirgantara, T.
Proceedings of 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering, ICICI-BME 20178537726, pp. 125-130
Biomechanical Evaluation on Balance During Standing on Various Height and Contact Area Heeled Shoes
Aviani, J.K., Fitri, L.L., Suprijanto, Mahyuddin, A.I
Proceedings of 2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering, ICICI-BME 20178537780, pp. 141-146
Static analysis of an energy storage and return (ESAR) prosthetic foot
Sugiharto, A., Ferryanto, F., Tazakka, H.D., Mahyuddin, A.I., Wibowo, A., Mihradi, S.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2193, 050007
Design Optimization, Manufacturing, and Testing of Affordable 3-Axis Load Cell for Reliable Force Plate Component
Wicaksono, S., Ariana, G.P., Ferryanto, F., Wibowo, A., Mahyuddin, A.I
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2187, 050008
Dynamic analysis of Bangladesh’s broad gauge train using multibody system
Wicaksono, S., Husodo, H.T., Mahyuddin, A.I.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2187, 050016.